
Friday, September 23, 2011

Day by Day...

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Someone is dying, suffering, lost and confused about life and why they exist. People are filled with emptiness and continual sorrow because they feel there is no purpose for their life. They believe this whole world came to be by an accident therefore we have no meaning or purpose, but let me tell you this my friends. This world did not come to be by random chance or some big bang! God created it fearfully and wonderfully to reflect his glory and majesty. But people ask themselves, "If God created this world so perfectly and carefully scripted everything into exsistance, than why is there so much sin and suffering, murder, violence, sorrow and darkness in it?" Well, God created this world perfect and without sin, but when he created man, he did not create him a robot. He created him with a free will. He commanded him to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but Adam and Eve had a choice to either obey God or disobey Him and disobey Him they did. So was the first sin that corrupted the innocence and spotlessness of life. Without blood there is NO REMISSION OF SIN so someone had to die and take up the sins of this world upon Himself. Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb of God, had to come down to be born of this earth in the form of a man and be crucified for the sake of saving us from eternal condemnation and because he loved us SO MUCH, He was not only willing to die but to be separated from His father and take on the sins of this whole world! People say the cross is a sign of love, and, although that is true, we must realize that the cross is a sign of HOW CORRUPTED WE ARE that it took the death of God's only son to save us from our calamity. That, my friends, is what JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD did for you and me and until we've been washed by the blood and born of the holy spirit we will continue walking in the darkness of satan. We can only serve one master so choose you this day whom you will serve. Tomorrow is not promised!

 Have you died with Christ and taken up your cross to follow Him? Are you willing to be a servant the way Jesus came to serve and make disciples? Have you died to yourself and given up all your worldly desires for the sake of following and living for Christ? Does everything you do reflect the glory of God and do you honor him in everything you do, think or say? Are you willing to give up every worldly thing that you've held on too and throw it away for the sake of following Christ? May this be our desire and commitment, and may God awaken us from the sin that we are dead to!



  1. WOW...So true! Lord give grace! thanks 4 sharing Ashley! Love you!

  2. Yes! Your so welcome! Thxs for reading! Luv u too!
